Sunday, April 21, 2013


Been having a pretty lousy week in general and I'm normally not the kind of person to go around telling everyone about all my problems. I do have my fair share of rants and such but when it comes down to the finer details, I usually keep them to myself unless someone really probes me about it.

My one and only Fiona Guo is really someone I can pour everything out to no matter when or where. It was almost 12 midnight at the Reid Library when I was unleashing all my fury and disappointment to her through whatsapp. She really just took it all in and returned me nothing but sound and positive advice - things I just really needed to hear at that point of time. Thereafter, she sent me this link to listen to and truth to be told, I've been so so busy getting caught up with school work, obligations and excuses and I didn't listen to it till today. All I have to say is I LOVE YOU & I thank God for bringing you into my life - one of my biggest blessings ever ever ever.

"I know I drive you crazy, hmm, sometimes I know I call you lazy, and that's most times But you complete me, and that's no lie"

BRB because said Ms Guo just emailed me whilst I was writing this - so qiao, we must be soulmates.


  1. Aww great that you have such a strong support system. You'll always have your joy luck club here too :)

